Failures to satisfy the following theoretical concepts have resulted in our current environmental condition.
- The first concept; striving to accomplish one’s actions by the most environmentally effective and efficient means possible, one that minimizes the need for energy or materials and produces no waste.
- The second; is the requirement that each person strive to have the closest possible relationship with the resources that provide him or her their quality of life.
- The last concept; is any detrimental effects created by a person’s actions must remain localized to that person, nor should it require another’s remedy for any damage done.
These concepts are interrelated, interdependent on one another and in order of importance. The first emphasises the importance of environmental decision making as opposed to our current way of monetary decision making. The implications of satisfying this concept would ultimately result in waste free world, where waste is considered a design flaw instead of a necessary result of production. The second encourages one to have a more meaningful and geographical relationship with the resources that provide us our quality of life. Herby our capacity to consume is increasingly dictated by our physical efforts and not our consumer power. The third concept suggests that we may remain as self serving creatures to the extent that it is not at the consequence of others. This results in accepting responsibility for our actions and limited our actions to those under which we have full control and understanding.
I emphasize that these concepts are theoretical and perhaps impossible to satisfy to the fullest extent describe here. Furthermore if one was capable of doing so the result may not result in a life style suitable to the majority of people. These concepts also require one to revaluate what one considers as growth, thus redefining progress. As the implications of these concepts overall result in a fundamental simplification of one life, that some may consider a regressive act. Yet, it is most importantly acknowledged that striving to better adhere to these concepts in our daily lives has significant potential to improve our earth’s environmental condition.
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