A Little Advice From our Old Friend Albert Einstein

"If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."
I love this quote, I found it in the student residence courtyard of City University of Hong Kong.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

First Week

After leaving the couch of my parent's house at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning January 3rd, I arrived in Hong Kong 37 hours later. Since then I've been working to sleep more and more, from the first night with 3 hours to last night with a full healthy 10 hours. Sheets from Ikea contributed significantly, did you know they sell meat balls there.
You wouldn't believe how clean this place is. Apparently only so in the past two years due to successful health and sanitation campaign motivated by the H1N1 scare. Elevator buttons are cleaned every hour, spitting is illegal, and cleaning staff are seen every where through out the day. It makes the cleanest most obsessive compulsive place I have ever been. Would it surprise you if I said I love it? I do! You would not believe how little litter there is to be found, subways are spotless clean smelling and fresh.


  1. Wow, Jonathan. It sounds like your eyes are being opened to a whole new universe. I am sure you are having no problem adapting.

    It also sounds like Hong Kong is the complete opposite of a place like...hmmm...let's say Asheville:) Dare I ask if you have seen any dreadlocks?

    I hope you are having a great time. We miss you!!!!!

    -Kathryn Koppi

  2. haha ~ not only so for the past two years ~
    we were still keep our place clean ~
    just after the H5N1 people are much more and more aware of the hygiene~ :P
